1.Got interested in this trying to find the best way to share information between different applications in a package we distribute at work.
2.MSDN Newsgroups allows you to ask questions, share information, or exchange ideas with others, including experts from around the globe.
3.That means you need to offer something of value, which puts them in a frame of mind so they'll willingly share information with you.
4.Trying to share information with people on your Web-based networks can introduce another layer of digital jujitsu.
5.Netscape was trying to build a new platform - the ultimate platform - to run software and share information instantly and on a global scale.
6.A decade ago, Dennis Crowley was trying to get people to share information about their geographic location with a service called Dodgeball.
7.The cables describe the army as hesitant to share information with the police or to cooperate with them on operations.
8.Create properties in the control if you want to be able to share information between the user control and the hosting page.
9.InfoQ: Regarding the pluggable component models, will the developer be able to share information between them and have them collaborate?
10.Store values in hives or keys that indicate the version, and do not share information or state across versions of a component.